2025 Budget & Assessment Increase
Attached please find an Annual Disclosure, which is an educational effort sent to all owners by email and mail along with the 2025 Budget and Dues Increase Notice. Please take a few minutes to review how and where to access important HOA information, online resources offered through Rockwood Property Management (RPM) and the assessment schedule for the year ahead. For Members enrolled in AutoPay (through the HOA Portal), assessments are debited on the first business day after the assessment due date and will post to your checking account (or credit card statement) within 3 business days. Provided that you are properly enrolled in AutoPay and the payment information is correct, no further action is needed to ensure payment of the next assessment. For Members NOT enrolled in AutoPay, coupon books are on the way! As a reminder to those that remit payment through their financial institution's online billpay service, to avoid an underpayment in January, please update your scheduled payment amount per the attached Dues Increase Notice. The HOA’s governing documents provide for a 60 day grace period for the remittance of assessments. Coupon books are provided as a courtesy but are not required for payment remittance. To ensure timely receipt of your payment, please select a payment method from the link on the right. As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns. Seasons Greetings! |
2024 Annual Membership Meeting
Please join us at the 2024 Annual Membership Meeting at 6:00pm on October 2, 2024 @ Greensferry Elementary (1520 Bunting Lane, Post Falls, ID 83854) |